Thursday 8 November 2007

Imitation is the Sincerest Form of.... Theft?

The story of the Sony Bravia Bunnies has done the rounds recently. In a nutshell, Sony launched the advert which shows a New York street becoming overun by hordes of play-doh bunnies to a Rolling Stones soundtrack. Kozyndan, an illustration company, claims that this concept is a complete rip-off of one of their panoramic paintings. You can read one version of the story here.

Detail of the Kozyndan painting

You'll have to make up your own mind on this one but personally I'm just happy to hear one of my favourite Stones tracks, 'She's A Rainbow'. However it should come as no surprise that this song was hardly original, itself being heavily influenced according to Keith Richards, by the magnificent 'She Comes In Colors' by Arthur Lee's Love (from the classic 1966 album 'Da Capo').

Have a listen to it here with accompanying animation from iwait4u, and see if you can also detect a similarity to Madonna's 'Beautiful Stranger'. Come to think of it The Walkmen's 'We've Been Had' reminds me of 'She's A Rainbow'. Seems there's nothing new under the sun.

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